Korean DMZ Conflict (1966-1969), also referred to as a Second Korean War, was a series of low-level armed clashes between North Korean forces and the forces of South Korea and the United states, largely occurring between 1966-1969 at the Korean DMZ, although other incidents have occurred since. In 1966, the Korean People's Army ( K.P.A. ) deployed eight infantry divisions along the DMZ, backed by eight more infantry divisions, three motorized infantry divisions. a tank division and a collection of separate infantry and tank brigades and regiments. In addition to the irregular forces, North Korea also deployed several thousand operator agitators to select, train, and supervise informants and guerrilla recruits, while others attempted to cause individual defections and unit dissatisfaction in the R.O.K. military and generally undermine the moral of both the R.O.K. and the U.S. Forces.
The major U.S. ground combat units in Korea were the 2nd Infantry Division ( 2 ID ) and 7th Infantry Division ( 7 ID ), I Corps and 8th Army. 2 ID stood with the 3rd Brigade manning 29.8 km of the DMZ essentially due North of Seoul on either side of Panmunjom, with another nine R.O.K.A. Divisions manning the remaining 212.8 km of the DMZ. All U.S. and R.O.K.A. forces were under the unified operational control of United Nations Command 9 Korea ) who was also the commander of the United States Forces. Both U.S. Army Divisions were under strength as Vietnam had priority for manpower and equipment, Troops were equipped with M-14 rifles rather than M-16's, the only available tanks were older gasoline powered M-48A2c's, and there were a total of only 12 UH-1 Huey helicopters in South Korea seriously restricting the ability to engage with infiltrators.
Starting in 1967 the UN Command developed a layered defense of the DMZ. The Armistice restricted fortification within the DMZ, where defences were limited to patrols and observation post without heavy weapons. More aggressive patrolling of the DMZ was ordered with patrols going out for twenty four hours, reconnoitering by day and establishing ambushes at night, most U.S. casualties occurred during these patrols. The North Koreans could cut through the fence in 30-40 seconds.
By late 1967 it was clear that the North Koreans were attempting to develop a full scale insurgency in the South with strongholds in the Taebaek mountains and around Jirisan mountain.
The Blue House Raid. on the night of January 17, 1968, 31 men of Unit 124 penetrated the 2 ID sector of the DMZ by cutting through the chain link fence and passing undetected within 30m of a manned 2 ID position.
The Pueblo Incident. On January 23, 1968 North Korean patrol boats captured the USS Pueblo in international waters killing one crewman. On April 1, 1968 the Department of Defense declared the DMZ-Imjin River area as a hostile zone, entitling service members stationed in the area to hostile fire pay. The K.P.A. regulars began a series of attacks and infiltrations against @ ID position on the DMZ that lasted until mid May. On April 15, 1969 K.P.A.F. MIG's shot down a USAF EC-121M Warning Star on a electronic intelligence mission killing all 31 crew members.
I left out allot of information. There was to much information to put in.
The major U.S. ground combat units in Korea were the 2nd Infantry Division ( 2 ID ) and 7th Infantry Division ( 7 ID ), I Corps and 8th Army. 2 ID stood with the 3rd Brigade manning 29.8 km of the DMZ essentially due North of Seoul on either side of Panmunjom, with another nine R.O.K.A. Divisions manning the remaining 212.8 km of the DMZ. All U.S. and R.O.K.A. forces were under the unified operational control of United Nations Command 9 Korea ) who was also the commander of the United States Forces. Both U.S. Army Divisions were under strength as Vietnam had priority for manpower and equipment, Troops were equipped with M-14 rifles rather than M-16's, the only available tanks were older gasoline powered M-48A2c's, and there were a total of only 12 UH-1 Huey helicopters in South Korea seriously restricting the ability to engage with infiltrators.
Starting in 1967 the UN Command developed a layered defense of the DMZ. The Armistice restricted fortification within the DMZ, where defences were limited to patrols and observation post without heavy weapons. More aggressive patrolling of the DMZ was ordered with patrols going out for twenty four hours, reconnoitering by day and establishing ambushes at night, most U.S. casualties occurred during these patrols. The North Koreans could cut through the fence in 30-40 seconds.
By late 1967 it was clear that the North Koreans were attempting to develop a full scale insurgency in the South with strongholds in the Taebaek mountains and around Jirisan mountain.
The Blue House Raid. on the night of January 17, 1968, 31 men of Unit 124 penetrated the 2 ID sector of the DMZ by cutting through the chain link fence and passing undetected within 30m of a manned 2 ID position.
The Pueblo Incident. On January 23, 1968 North Korean patrol boats captured the USS Pueblo in international waters killing one crewman. On April 1, 1968 the Department of Defense declared the DMZ-Imjin River area as a hostile zone, entitling service members stationed in the area to hostile fire pay. The K.P.A. regulars began a series of attacks and infiltrations against @ ID position on the DMZ that lasted until mid May. On April 15, 1969 K.P.A.F. MIG's shot down a USAF EC-121M Warning Star on a electronic intelligence mission killing all 31 crew members.
I left out allot of information. There was to much information to put in.

U.S. and R.O.K. Casualties in Korea
From 1966 to 1979 the U.S. suffered 82 KIA and 121 wounded.
The R.O.K. suffered 305 KIA and 558 wounded.
Casualties by year
July 2, 1966 Charles Franklin
August 9, 1966 Ralph Schaad
September 9, 1966 Warren Mitchell
October 2, 1966 Wilbert La Freniere
October 2, 1966 William Mouzon
October 4, 1966 Richard Oayers
October 18, 1966 Warren Fish
October 29, 1966 Roy Patterson
November 2, 1966 Johnny Brenton
November 2, 1966 Robert Burrell
November 2, 1966 Morris Fischer
November 2, 1966 Leslie Hasty
November 2, 1966 James Hensley
November 2, 1966 Ernest Reynolds
November 2, 1966 Hwan Myong ( KATUSA )
November 5, 1966 Michael Holcomb
November 14, 1966 Gar Savors
November 17, 1966 Robert Scruggs
December 2, 1966 James Vaculik
December 5, 1966 Robert Grayum
July 2, 1966 Charles Franklin
August 9, 1966 Ralph Schaad
September 9, 1966 Warren Mitchell
October 2, 1966 Wilbert La Freniere
October 2, 1966 William Mouzon
October 4, 1966 Richard Oayers
October 18, 1966 Warren Fish
October 29, 1966 Roy Patterson
November 2, 1966 Johnny Brenton
November 2, 1966 Robert Burrell
November 2, 1966 Morris Fischer
November 2, 1966 Leslie Hasty
November 2, 1966 James Hensley
November 2, 1966 Ernest Reynolds
November 2, 1966 Hwan Myong ( KATUSA )
November 5, 1966 Michael Holcomb
November 14, 1966 Gar Savors
November 17, 1966 Robert Scruggs
December 2, 1966 James Vaculik
December 5, 1966 Robert Grayum
January 13, 1967 Wayne Medine
January 14, 1967 Edward Holmgren
February 12, 1967 Robert Carlson
February 14, 1967 Press Tyler
February 13, 1967 Anthony Lavedas
February 13, 1967 Daniel Lowry
February 21, 1967 Jerold Lewis
March 3, 1967 Valentine Macek
March 21, 1967 Walter Sheldon
April 27, 1967 Howard Jerome
May 13, 1967 Samuel Williamson
May 15, 1967 Herbert Carey
May 15, 1967 Dennis Devries
May 15, 1967 Thomas Esson
May 15, 1967 Richard Fine
May 16, 1967 Gerald Murphy
May 22, 1967 Carl Mueller
May 22, 1967 Baron Smith
May 24, 1967 William Behan
May 28, 1967 Michael Buth
May 28, 1967 David Davie
June 2, 1967 George Bullock
June 6, 1967 Tyrone Jackson
June 18, 1967 Lee Coggan
June 18, 1967 Charles Cooper
June 20, 1967 Billy Adams
June 20, 1967 Jackie Hughes
June 22, 1967 Cecil Meyer
June 24, 1967 James Burkholder
June 27, 1967 George Loss
July 7, 1967 William Higgins
July 9, 1967 William Price
July 15, 1967 William Fletcher
July 15, 1967 Earnes Pauling
July 16, 1967 Leonard Ashforth
July 16, 1967 Tommy Boyd
July 16, 1967 John Gibbs
July 16, 1967 Joseph Seiler
July 18, 1967 Raymond Hampey
July 19, 1967 Donald Dirck
July 19, 1967 Daniel Garrahy
July 21, 1967 Jamie Pujals
July 19, 1967 James Harle
August 8, 1967 Charles Carter
Phillip Boudreaux
August 10, 1967 Donald Czaplicki
August 10, 1967 Jerry Skaggs
August 22, 1967 Billy Cook
August 28, 1967 Michael Vogel
August 29, 1967 Paul Lund
August 30, 1967 Philip Copp
August 30, 1967 Edgar McKee
September 1, 1967 Dale Wringer
September 7, 1967 Clifford Wise
September 9, 1967 Lamous Elliott
September 12, 1967 Carl Craven
September 19, 1967 Victor Abrachinsky
September 22, 1967 Joseph Guthrie
September 29, 1967 Lawrence Carr
October 5, 1967 Booy Chustz
October 6, 1967 Terry Arcemont
October 9, 1967 Walter Ponder
October 14, 1967 Freddie Davis
October 15, 1967 Thomas Kroll
October 22, 1967 James Nicholas
October 29, 1967 Daniel Lawler
October 31, 1967 Neal McLellon
November 11, 1967 Edwin Cholewa
December 13, 1967 Jesse Goings
December 16, 1967 Lewis McCray
December 22, 1967 Freddie Piert
January 13, 1967 Wayne Medine
January 14, 1967 Edward Holmgren
February 12, 1967 Robert Carlson
February 14, 1967 Press Tyler
February 13, 1967 Anthony Lavedas
February 13, 1967 Daniel Lowry
February 21, 1967 Jerold Lewis
March 3, 1967 Valentine Macek
March 21, 1967 Walter Sheldon
April 27, 1967 Howard Jerome
May 13, 1967 Samuel Williamson
May 15, 1967 Herbert Carey
May 15, 1967 Dennis Devries
May 15, 1967 Thomas Esson
May 15, 1967 Richard Fine
May 16, 1967 Gerald Murphy
May 22, 1967 Carl Mueller
May 22, 1967 Baron Smith
May 24, 1967 William Behan
May 28, 1967 Michael Buth
May 28, 1967 David Davie
June 2, 1967 George Bullock
June 6, 1967 Tyrone Jackson
June 18, 1967 Lee Coggan
June 18, 1967 Charles Cooper
June 20, 1967 Billy Adams
June 20, 1967 Jackie Hughes
June 22, 1967 Cecil Meyer
June 24, 1967 James Burkholder
June 27, 1967 George Loss
July 7, 1967 William Higgins
July 9, 1967 William Price
July 15, 1967 William Fletcher
July 15, 1967 Earnes Pauling
July 16, 1967 Leonard Ashforth
July 16, 1967 Tommy Boyd
July 16, 1967 John Gibbs
July 16, 1967 Joseph Seiler
July 18, 1967 Raymond Hampey
July 19, 1967 Donald Dirck
July 19, 1967 Daniel Garrahy
July 21, 1967 Jamie Pujals
July 19, 1967 James Harle
August 8, 1967 Charles Carter
Phillip Boudreaux
August 10, 1967 Donald Czaplicki
August 10, 1967 Jerry Skaggs
August 22, 1967 Billy Cook
August 28, 1967 Michael Vogel
August 29, 1967 Paul Lund
August 30, 1967 Philip Copp
August 30, 1967 Edgar McKee
September 1, 1967 Dale Wringer
September 7, 1967 Clifford Wise
September 9, 1967 Lamous Elliott
September 12, 1967 Carl Craven
September 19, 1967 Victor Abrachinsky
September 22, 1967 Joseph Guthrie
September 29, 1967 Lawrence Carr
October 5, 1967 Booy Chustz
October 6, 1967 Terry Arcemont
October 9, 1967 Walter Ponder
October 14, 1967 Freddie Davis
October 15, 1967 Thomas Kroll
October 22, 1967 James Nicholas
October 29, 1967 Daniel Lawler
October 31, 1967 Neal McLellon
November 11, 1967 Edwin Cholewa
December 13, 1967 Jesse Goings
December 16, 1967 Lewis McCray
December 22, 1967 Freddie Piert
January 1, 1968 Edward Barnhard
January 6, 1968 George Botts
January 15, 1968 Willie White
January 24, 1968 William Bryant
January 24, 1968 Paul Martin
January 26, 1968 Salvador Mojica
January 29, 1968 Michael Songer
February 1, 1968 Eldon Knutson
February 6, 1968 Ronald Bennett
February 8, 1968 Richard Hose
February 22, 1968 David Anderson
February 22, 1968 Bruce Coyhis
February 23, 1968 James Cunningham
March 1, 1968 Victor Hsie
March 12, 1968 David Pedrotti
March 24, 1968 Carl Ventsam
March 28, 1968 Kirk Thornton
April 6, 1968 Aloysius Flannery
April 7, 1968 Eugene Krance
April 8, 1968 Charles Slaydon
April 11, 1968 Charles Jakob
April 15, 1968 James Anderson
April 15, 1968 Larry Wood
April 21, 1968 Robert Bisbee
May 17, 1968 Delmar Coffey
May 17, 1968 Warren Sands
June 17, 1968 Anthony Kerr
June 18, 1968 Allan Peters
June 19, 1968 Willie Williams
July 2, 1968 Roger Roetman
July 10, 1968 Richard Johnson
July 15, 1968 Arline Cole
July 19, 1968 Robert Srevens
July 20, 1968 James Weeks
August 2, 1968 Rissell Irwin
August 2, 1968 James Ward
August 11, 1968 Randy Twichell
August 18, 1968 Jerry Hopkins
August 19, 1968 Andrew Woods
August 21, 1968 John Burk
August 23, 1968 Curtis Oliver
August 31, 1968 John Williams
September 1, 1968 William Gage
September 1, 1968 Sammy Griffin
September 10, 1968 Robert Hough
September 17, 1968 Joseph Swain
September 28, 1968 Ronald Garone
October 6, 1968 Ray Campbell
October 6, 1968 Edward Motto
October 7, 1968 Marshall Kring
October 22,1968 James Alderink
November 2, 1968 Myron Czolacz
November 27, 1968 Richard Edwards
November 27, 1968 Gate Holz
November 27, 1968 Julius Ingram
November 27, 1968 Terence Miller
November 27, 1968 William Smith
November 30, 1968 Robert Vigil
December 14, 1968 James O'Malley
December 15, 1968 Blaine Bostic
December 28, 1968 Craig Harff
December 28, 1968 Ralph Leavitt
December 30, 1968 Matthew Cooper
December 30, 1968 William McDonald
December 30, 1968 Alphonso Parker
December 30, 1968 Larry Snyder
January 1, 1968 Edward Barnhard
January 6, 1968 George Botts
January 15, 1968 Willie White
January 24, 1968 William Bryant
January 24, 1968 Paul Martin
January 26, 1968 Salvador Mojica
January 29, 1968 Michael Songer
February 1, 1968 Eldon Knutson
February 6, 1968 Ronald Bennett
February 8, 1968 Richard Hose
February 22, 1968 David Anderson
February 22, 1968 Bruce Coyhis
February 23, 1968 James Cunningham
March 1, 1968 Victor Hsie
March 12, 1968 David Pedrotti
March 24, 1968 Carl Ventsam
March 28, 1968 Kirk Thornton
April 6, 1968 Aloysius Flannery
April 7, 1968 Eugene Krance
April 8, 1968 Charles Slaydon
April 11, 1968 Charles Jakob
April 15, 1968 James Anderson
April 15, 1968 Larry Wood
April 21, 1968 Robert Bisbee
May 17, 1968 Delmar Coffey
May 17, 1968 Warren Sands
June 17, 1968 Anthony Kerr
June 18, 1968 Allan Peters
June 19, 1968 Willie Williams
July 2, 1968 Roger Roetman
July 10, 1968 Richard Johnson
July 15, 1968 Arline Cole
July 19, 1968 Robert Srevens
July 20, 1968 James Weeks
August 2, 1968 Rissell Irwin
August 2, 1968 James Ward
August 11, 1968 Randy Twichell
August 18, 1968 Jerry Hopkins
August 19, 1968 Andrew Woods
August 21, 1968 John Burk
August 23, 1968 Curtis Oliver
August 31, 1968 John Williams
September 1, 1968 William Gage
September 1, 1968 Sammy Griffin
September 10, 1968 Robert Hough
September 17, 1968 Joseph Swain
September 28, 1968 Ronald Garone
October 6, 1968 Ray Campbell
October 6, 1968 Edward Motto
October 7, 1968 Marshall Kring
October 22,1968 James Alderink
November 2, 1968 Myron Czolacz
November 27, 1968 Richard Edwards
November 27, 1968 Gate Holz
November 27, 1968 Julius Ingram
November 27, 1968 Terence Miller
November 27, 1968 William Smith
November 30, 1968 Robert Vigil
December 14, 1968 James O'Malley
December 15, 1968 Blaine Bostic
December 28, 1968 Craig Harff
December 28, 1968 Ralph Leavitt
December 30, 1968 Matthew Cooper
December 30, 1968 William McDonald
December 30, 1968 Alphonso Parker
December 30, 1968 Larry Snyder
January 10, 1969 Gerald Luter
January 17, 1969 Donald Ray
February 6, 1969 George Comeau
February 12, 1969 Jesse Outlaw
February 23, 1969 Terry Conrad
February 23, 1969 Norman Hall
March 2, 1969 James Jones
March 17, 1969 Timothy Echols
March 21, 1969 Paul Delagrange
April 7, 1969 Henry Champagne
April 11, 1969 Neal Officer
April 20, 1969 Hansel Warren
April 26, 1969 Johnny Strong
May 16, 1969 Terry Brown
May 18, 1969 Orie Kelly
May 20, 1969 Randolph McClendon
May 23, 1969 Donald Shircliff
May 30, 1969 Clifford Brown
June 7, 1969 Roger Coen
June 7, 1969 Thomas Williams
June 9, 1969 Clifford Taylor
June 10, 1969 Daniel Sibley
June 11, 1969 William Mitchell
June 20, 1969 Richard Dixon
June 21, 1969 Terrence Maher
June 29, 1969 Gerald Steele
June 30, 1969 Dale Rabe
July 3, 1969 Thomas Leon
July 11, 1969 Durant Mathieu
July 22, 1969 Louis Rich
August 1, 1969 A. Guthrie
August 2, 1969 Brady Daugherty
August 3, 1969 Alden Sage
August 11, 1969 Clinton Austin
August 22, 1969 Gary Bingagman
August 22, 1969 George Boody
August 25, 1969 Charles Jones
September 4, 1969 Frank Conooscenti
September 23, 1969 William Chappell
September 30, 1969 Thomas Harris
October 22, 1969 Charles Wells
October 25, 1969 Robert Clayton
October 25, 1969 Donald Robertson
October 26, 1969 Calvin Paulk
October 28, 1969 Wilson White
November 1, 1969 Joseph Tokach
November 16, 1969 James Altz
November 24, 1969 Jonathon Grim
December 17, 1969 Charles Burton
December 17, 1969 Charles Davis
December 17, 1969 Dennis Six
December 19, 1969 Arthur Parker
December 22, 1969 John Bennett
December 22, 1969 William Calhoun
December 31, 1969 R. Westermark
January 10, 1969 Gerald Luter
January 17, 1969 Donald Ray
February 6, 1969 George Comeau
February 12, 1969 Jesse Outlaw
February 23, 1969 Terry Conrad
February 23, 1969 Norman Hall
March 2, 1969 James Jones
March 17, 1969 Timothy Echols
March 21, 1969 Paul Delagrange
April 7, 1969 Henry Champagne
April 11, 1969 Neal Officer
April 20, 1969 Hansel Warren
April 26, 1969 Johnny Strong
May 16, 1969 Terry Brown
May 18, 1969 Orie Kelly
May 20, 1969 Randolph McClendon
May 23, 1969 Donald Shircliff
May 30, 1969 Clifford Brown
June 7, 1969 Roger Coen
June 7, 1969 Thomas Williams
June 9, 1969 Clifford Taylor
June 10, 1969 Daniel Sibley
June 11, 1969 William Mitchell
June 20, 1969 Richard Dixon
June 21, 1969 Terrence Maher
June 29, 1969 Gerald Steele
June 30, 1969 Dale Rabe
July 3, 1969 Thomas Leon
July 11, 1969 Durant Mathieu
July 22, 1969 Louis Rich
August 1, 1969 A. Guthrie
August 2, 1969 Brady Daugherty
August 3, 1969 Alden Sage
August 11, 1969 Clinton Austin
August 22, 1969 Gary Bingagman
August 22, 1969 George Boody
August 25, 1969 Charles Jones
September 4, 1969 Frank Conooscenti
September 23, 1969 William Chappell
September 30, 1969 Thomas Harris
October 22, 1969 Charles Wells
October 25, 1969 Robert Clayton
October 25, 1969 Donald Robertson
October 26, 1969 Calvin Paulk
October 28, 1969 Wilson White
November 1, 1969 Joseph Tokach
November 16, 1969 James Altz
November 24, 1969 Jonathon Grim
December 17, 1969 Charles Burton
December 17, 1969 Charles Davis
December 17, 1969 Dennis Six
December 19, 1969 Arthur Parker
December 22, 1969 John Bennett
December 22, 1969 William Calhoun
December 31, 1969 R. Westermark
November 20, 1974, 1st U.S. Casualty and wounded 6 others.
August 18, 1976 (The Axe Murder Incident) 2 U.S. Casualties and others injured.
July 14, 1977 CH-Chinook was shot down after straying into North Korea, 3 Airman Killed, 1 held prisoner.
December 6, 1979 A U.S. Patrol crossed the MDL into North Korea minefield. 1 U.S. Casualty and 4 injured.
August 18, 1976 (The Axe Murder Incident) 2 U.S. Casualties and others injured.
July 14, 1977 CH-Chinook was shot down after straying into North Korea, 3 Airman Killed, 1 held prisoner.
December 6, 1979 A U.S. Patrol crossed the MDL into North Korea minefield. 1 U.S. Casualty and 4 injured.