Camp Pendleton Staging Battalion (No information at this time)
Pueblo Crew
Camp Pililaau (Uijongbu Area)
C Company, 51st Signal Battalion (C) I Core
1970, 51st Signal Battalion
C Company, 51st Signal Battalion (C) I Core
1970, 51st Signal Battalion
Phi Sung Range (No information or photo's at this time)
Pintail Parker Bridge (No information at this time)
Camp Ponderosa
1969 D Company, 707th Maintenance Battalion, 7th Infantry Division
1969 D Company, 707th Maintenance Battalion, 7th Infantry Division
Pohang Dong K-3 Airfield (No information or photo's at this time)
Camp Pope (No information or photo's at this time)
Pork Chop Hill 1953 (Or Hill 255)
6 miles to Punchbowl within Yonggu County in Gagwon Province 1951
Pusan (No information at this time)
Camp Radcliff
1967-1968 B Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment
1967-1968 B Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment
Radar Site 6 (No information at this time)
Dadar Site 6 along the DMZ
Radio Hill
Headquarters, 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery
Headquarters Battery, HHB, 1st Battalion, 44th ADA
Headquarters, 1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery
Headquarters Battery, HHB, 1st Battalion, 44th ADA
RC #1 Crossroads Service Club (Yongiugol Area)
RC #1 was located at Camp Beard
RC #1 was located at Camp Beard
RC 1 2nd Infantry, Division Portraying Native American at Football Game 1966
RC #2 Camelot Hall Service Club (Nopa-Dong, Pugam-Ni Area) (No information or photo's at this time)
RC #3 Frontline Service Club (Western Corridor DMZ) (Front Line Service Club)
1968, A Company, 8th Engineer Battalion
2nd Platoon
1968, A Company, 8th Engineer Battalion
2nd Platoon
A Company, 8th Engineer Battalion next to RC3 Spoonbill area 1968
RC #4 (Today) Chongie Inn Service Club (Sonyu-Ri Area) (No information at this time)
Camp Red Cloud (Acquired July 27,1953), (Camp Red Cloud Closed and Returned to the ROK in 2018)
U.S. Army I Corps, Headquarters Group
55th Military Police
C Company, 51st Signal Battalion
1974 USAF Direct Air Support Center
1983 304th Signal Battalion
1988, A Company, 4th, 58th Aviation
U.S. Army I Corps, Headquarters Group
55th Military Police
C Company, 51st Signal Battalion
1974 USAF Direct Air Support Center
1983 304th Signal Battalion
1988, A Company, 4th, 58th Aviation
Camp Red Cloud Headquarters I Corps
Headquarters I Core (Group) Uijong-Bu
Camp Red Cloud Katusa Snack Bar
USAF Direct Air Support Center 1974
USAF Direct Air Support Center 1974
Camp Red Cloud Telephone Exchange, Operated by C Company, 51st Signal Battalion
Headquarters I Core (group) Uijong-Bu
Camp Red Cloud Post Exchange
Camp Red Cloud to Camp Casey 1963
USAF Direct Air Support Center 1974
Camp Red Cloud I Core
55th Military Police
Camp Red Cloud Lodge
I Corps Headquarters Group, Uijong-Bu
USAF Direct Air Support Center 1974
USAF Direct Air Support Center 1974
Camp Red Cloud Uijong-Bu was first established as Camp Jackson
Camp Red Cloud toady
Camp Reddick (Western Corridor DMZ)
1963-1964 C Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division
1969 C Company, 2nd, 9th Infantry. 2nd Infantry Division
1969-1970 C Company, 2nd, 9th, 2nd Infantry Division
C Company, 1st, 38th Infantry
1963-1964 C Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry, 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division
1969 C Company, 2nd, 9th Infantry. 2nd Infantry Division
1969-1970 C Company, 2nd, 9th, 2nd Infantry Division
C Company, 1st, 38th Infantry
Camp Reno (Ascom, Inchon Area) (No information at this time)
Reno Hill
1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery
1st Battalion, 44th ADA VHF
Operations Center O.I.C NCO IC
1st Battalion, 44th Air Defense Artillery
1st Battalion, 44th ADA VHF
Operations Center O.I.C NCO IC
Camp Rice (renamed Camp Gary Owen 1973) (Yongiugol Area) (Closed in 1992)
1967-1968 Headquarters, A Company, 702nd Maintenance Battalion
1969-1970 C Troop, 4th, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
1971-1972 2nd, 77th Cavalry, 2nf Infantry Division
1972 A, B Troop, 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry
1974-1975 C Troop, 4tn, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
1967-1968 Headquarters, A Company, 702nd Maintenance Battalion
1969-1970 C Troop, 4th, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
1971-1972 2nd, 77th Cavalry, 2nf Infantry Division
1972 A, B Troop, 4th Squadron, 7th U.S. Cavalry
1974-1975 C Troop, 4tn, 7th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Richmond - O Sa Ri (Acquired January 19,1956) (Seoul Area) (Camp Richmond has been returned to the R.O.K.)
Camp Richmond was a Korean Engineer camp in Taejon.
Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 2nd Engineer Group (construction)
Camp Richmond was a Korean Engineer camp in Taejon.
Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 2nd Engineer Group (construction)
Camp Ringgold (Dragonhead Area) (No pictures at this time)
1963-1964 C Battery, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division
1963-1964 C Battery, 1st Battalion, 21st Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division
Camp Roberts (Yongdong-Po, Seoul Area) (No information or pictures at this time)
Brigadier General William L. Roberts was commander of the U.S. Forces in Korea in 1949. Employees.
Camp Roberts was established in 1949as a family housing compound for KMAG and U.S. civilian employees. This Yongdungpo compound remained as a U.S. family housing for example in 1968 Army Corps of Engineers occupied Camp Roberts. This Yongdungpo compound remained a U.S. family housing. In 1970 with the reduction in American presence Camp Roberts was closed. The houses were demolished and Taehang Textile expanded into the camp site.
Brigadier General William L. Roberts was commander of the U.S. Forces in Korea in 1949. Employees.
Camp Roberts was established in 1949as a family housing compound for KMAG and U.S. civilian employees. This Yongdungpo compound remained as a U.S. family housing for example in 1968 Army Corps of Engineers occupied Camp Roberts. This Yongdungpo compound remained a U.S. family housing. In 1970 with the reduction in American presence Camp Roberts was closed. The houses were demolished and Taehang Textile expanded into the camp site.
Rock Mountain (Artillery Valley) (No information or pictures at this time)
Rodriguez (Range)
57th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
57th Squadron, 17th Cavalry, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Rodstrom (Western Corridor Rear Area) (No information at this time)
Camp Rodstrom looking from Camp Peterson
Camp Rose (1952-1955 Pan Ae) (Sonyu-Ri Area)
1966 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
1963-1964 Headquarters, A,B,C Company, 1st Battalion, 15th Armor, 1st Cavalry Division
1964 3rd Medium Tank Battery, 40th Armor, 1st Cavalry
1967-1969 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
1st 2nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
1966 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
1963-1964 Headquarters, A,B,C Company, 1st Battalion, 15th Armor, 1st Cavalry Division
1964 3rd Medium Tank Battery, 40th Armor, 1st Cavalry
1967-1969 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
1st 2nd Armor, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Rose 1966
Camp Ross (formerly B-3) (Munsani, Western Corridor Rear Area)
This camp was named on April 1960 to memorialize LT. Colonel H. Ross Commander Reconnaissance Squadron and 44th Tank Battalion, who was killed by Japanese fire on the approach to Manilla on February 1st, 1945. Colonel Ross was awarded Posthumously the Silver Star.
Camp Ross was South of Yong Ju Gol and separated the city of Seoul. Until 1955 the 24th Military Police Company, the divisional MP Company of the 24th Infantry Division worked with other United Nations Command Military Police in Yong Ju Gol to keep peace in the area.
24th Company Military Police
1963-1964 Headquarters Support Command, 15th Administration Company, 1st Cavalry Division
Headquarters Support Command, 2nd Infantry Division
1969-1970 2nd Division Administration
1969-1970 2nd Division Replacement Detachment
1969-1970 2nd Division Band & Support Detachment
HHC 1st, 23rd Infantry Division
Headquarters Support Command, 2nd Infantry Division
This camp was named on April 1960 to memorialize LT. Colonel H. Ross Commander Reconnaissance Squadron and 44th Tank Battalion, who was killed by Japanese fire on the approach to Manilla on February 1st, 1945. Colonel Ross was awarded Posthumously the Silver Star.
Camp Ross was South of Yong Ju Gol and separated the city of Seoul. Until 1955 the 24th Military Police Company, the divisional MP Company of the 24th Infantry Division worked with other United Nations Command Military Police in Yong Ju Gol to keep peace in the area.
24th Company Military Police
1963-1964 Headquarters Support Command, 15th Administration Company, 1st Cavalry Division
Headquarters Support Command, 2nd Infantry Division
1969-1970 2nd Division Administration
1969-1970 2nd Division Replacement Detachment
1969-1970 2nd Division Band & Support Detachment
HHC 1st, 23rd Infantry Division
Headquarters Support Command, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Ross Main Gateway to Defenders of Freedoms Frontier
Camp Ross Gate
Personnel Service Center 2, office of the Adjutant General, 1st Cavalry Division Directory
Headquarters Company and Band Support Command
Camp Ross Fence
Camp Ross Guard Tower
Camp Ross looking north to Charlie Block
Taken between Camp Ross and Camp Howze 1967
Camp Ross Main Gateway to Defenders of Freedoms Frontier
Camp Ross Gate
2nd Infantry Division Band
Camp Ross Support Command
Camp Ross Back Gate Road 2010
Camp Ross Gate 2010
Camp Ross Headquarters 1966
2nd Infantry Division Command
Camp Ross U.S. Army Headquarters Support Command, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Ross Airstrip R110
Camp Ross 2 Command Administration Headquarters Support
Camp Ross Road South
Camp Ross Replacement Detachment (red roof Building)
Camp Ross 2nd Infantry Division 1967
Camp Sabre - Munsan, (Returned to the ROK in 1970)
Headquarters, C Battery, 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division
1967-1968 Headquarters Battery, 7th Battalion, 17th Artillery
Headquarters, C Battery, 1st Battalion, 77th Artillery, 1st Cavalry Division
1967-1968 Headquarters Battery, 7th Battalion, 17th Artillery
Camp Sabre 1969 Pamgogi (Returned to the ROK in 1970)
1969, 2nd, 5th,3 8th Artillery, Headquarters Battery, A Battery, 2nd Infantry Division
1969, 2nd, 5th,3 8th Artillery, Headquarters Battery, A Battery, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Sabre Guard Shack
FDC Bunker
EN-NCO Club and 105's
Inside EM-NCO Club
Salute to Eisenhower
Salute to Eisenhower
Guarding on the Imjin River
Looking at Libby Bridge
Snow on the Imjin River bank
In the field on the DMZ
A Battery, 2nd, 5th 38th Artillery
Guard tent to guard the perimeter of the compound
Inside EM-NCO Club
Salute to Eisenhower
Salute to Eisenhower
Looking at Libby Bridge
Looking at Libby Bridge
The Imjin River frozen over
Over looking Camp Sabre
A Battery looking towards Headquarters
A Battery Commo
EN-NCO Club and 105's
Salute to Eisenhower
Guarding on the Imjin River
Guarding on the Imjin River
Tent we used on the Imjin River 28Below zero
To village of Pamgogi
Saddle Ridge (No information at this time)
Saddle Ridge Taegu, Battle Ground during the Summer of 1950
Camp Safari (Camp Safari is now closed)
C Battery,4th Battalion (MERC), 44th Artillery
C Battery,4th Battalion (MERC), 44th Artillery
Camp Salamanca (1953-1954) Essex Regiment, Commonwealth Division) (No information or pictures at this time)
Camp Sammi (No information or pictures at this time)
Camp Santa Barbara (Northern Area) (Camp Santa Barbara was returned to the R.O.K. in 1971)
1962 Headquarters Battalion, I Corps Artillery
1964, 2nd Battalion, 76th Artillery
1962 Headquarters Battalion, I Corps Artillery
1964, 2nd Battalion, 76th Artillery
Sapper Beach Training Facility
1989 2nd Infantry Division
1989 2nd Infantry Division
Sapper Beach Training Facility for combined Arm, 2nd Infantry Division 1989
Sea Range September 1973
Camp Sears (Acquired September 27,1953) (Uijongbu Area) (Camp Sears has now closed)
G Company, 2nd Infantry Division
G Company, 702nd Maintenance Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
G Company, 2nd Infantry Division
G Company, 702nd Maintenance Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Seattle (Ascom, Inchon Area) (No information or pictures at this time)
Camp Semper Fidelis (renamed Camp Ashworth) (Western Corridor DMZ)
Camp Semper Fidelis was built the very first DMZ Police Unit of the 1st Provisional DMZ Police, 1st Marine Division. This Unit occupied the camp from 1953 through 1955 when the 1st Marine Division was replaced by the 24th Infantry Division.
1952-1955 1st Provisional DMZ Police Company, 1st Marine Division
Camp Semper Fidelis was built the very first DMZ Police Unit of the 1st Provisional DMZ Police, 1st Marine Division. This Unit occupied the camp from 1953 through 1955 when the 1st Marine Division was replaced by the 24th Infantry Division.
1952-1955 1st Provisional DMZ Police Company, 1st Marine Division
Seobingo Compound
Near Seobingo Compound
M26 Pershing, 1st Tank Battalion
1970, U.S. Army AC of SJ4 Headquarters UNC/USFK/EUSA
1973, Assistant Chief of Staff G4, 8th U.S. Army
1979, U.S. Army Garrison USAGY
1980, Headquarters U.S.A. MEDCOM-K 121st Evacuation Hospital
M26 Pershing, 1st Tank Battalion
1970, U.S. Army AC of SJ4 Headquarters UNC/USFK/EUSA
1973, Assistant Chief of Staff G4, 8th U.S. Army
1979, U.S. Army Garrison USAGY
1980, Headquarters U.S.A. MEDCOM-K 121st Evacuation Hospital
Seoul 1951-1955
Seoul 1960's
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Seoul 1966
A U.S. freight train was sabotaged North of Seoul September 12, 1967
Douglas MacArthur, National Assembly,
Seoul 1960 |
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Bando Hotel Seoul January 1963 ?
Seoul 1966
Seoul 1960's
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Han River near Seoul
Seoul Han River Bridge 1966
1966 Riverside Village south of Yongsan, Seoul. This was base housing at one time.
Seoul 1966
Seoul 1970's
Seoul 1980's
Bukchom Hanok Village, Seoul
Itaewon Seoul
View Seoul Tower
Han River flash flood, Seoul August 3, 2020
Seoul Air Base, Sin Chon Ri (No photos at this time)
1985, 55th Aviation Company (Army)
1985, 55th Aviation Company (Army)
Seoul POL SP51A (Acquired August 10,1951) (No information or pictures at this time)
Signal Corps (Maybe different Camps)
Signal Long Lines Battalion Recon Site (No information at this time)
Photo's submitted by: Paul Kroll
Shinsegae was Myeongdong, now a department Store 1955