Camp Hialeah (Camp Hialeah has now closed) (N0 information at this time)
Hill 170 (N0 information at this time)
Hill 180 (N0 information at this time)
Hill 187 (No information or photo's at this time)
Hill 191
1970 2nd, 9th
1970 2nd, 9th
Hill 191 North of the Imjin 2nd, 9th 1969-1970
Hill 200 (No photo's at this time)
1951 D Company, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd U.S. Infantry Division 1951 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Division
1951 5th RCT 1951 F Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division
1951 35th Regiment, 25th U.S. Infantry Division 1951 K Company, 35th RCT, 25th Division
1951 R Battery, 15th AAA Battalion, 7th Infantry Division 1951 C Company, 1st Platoon, 15th Infantry Division, 3rd Infantry Division
1951 196th Field Artillery 1951 A Battery, 17th Field Artillery Battalion EUSAK
1951 3rd U.S. Rangers, 3rd Infantry Division
1951 D Company, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3rd U.S. Infantry Division 1951 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Division
1951 5th RCT 1951 F Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division
1951 35th Regiment, 25th U.S. Infantry Division 1951 K Company, 35th RCT, 25th Division
1951 R Battery, 15th AAA Battalion, 7th Infantry Division 1951 C Company, 1st Platoon, 15th Infantry Division, 3rd Infantry Division
1951 196th Field Artillery 1951 A Battery, 17th Field Artillery Battalion EUSAK
1951 3rd U.S. Rangers, 3rd Infantry Division
H220 Heliport (H220 Heliport was returned to the R.O.K. on May 2022) (No photo's at this time)
Hill 255 (No information or photo's at this time)
Hill 282, 1950 (No photo's at this time)
1950, 23rd Infantry Regiment
1950, 23rd Infantry Regiment
Hill 303,1950 (No information at this time)
Hill 327 (No information at this time)
POW Camp built by Seabee's behind Hill 327
Hill 355 (No photo's at this time)
1952 A & D Company, 3rd Brigade
1952 A & D Company, 3rd Brigade
Hill 468 (No information or photo's at this time)
Hill 638 (No information at this time)
Hill 754
1954 7th Signal Relay Site
C Company, 122nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1975 B Company, 122nd Signal Battalion
1954 7th Signal Relay Site
C Company, 122nd Signal Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1975 B Company, 122nd Signal Battalion
Hill 1157 (No photo's at this time)
A Company, 21st Infantry
581st Signal Corps
D Company, 8th U.S. Army Signal Corps
A Company, 21st Infantry
581st Signal Corps
D Company, 8th U.S. Army Signal Corps
Camp Hill (No information at this time)
Camp Hokima (No information at this time)
Camp Holiday (Camp Holiday has now closed) (No information ay this time)
Camp Hoover (No information ay this time)
Camp Hoover near Freedom Hill 1966
Camp Hovey
Master Sergeant Howard Hovey, 17th Infantry, 7th Division was awarded posthumously the Distinguished Service Cross for his action on July 6, 1953. The camp was named in his honor on February 1959.
1953 17th Infantry, 7th Division
HHC, 2nd Brigade
HHC, 1st Infantry Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
CSC 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry
1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
Battalion, 38th Infantry, R&U, 2nd Infantry Division
HQ & HQ Company, 2nd Brigade
1967, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
1973, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry (Manchu)
1977 B Company, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry
1978 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
1978 1st, 23rd Infantry
1980's 1st, 23rd, Infantry
1982, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1986 2nd, 503rd
1989 CSC 2nd, 503rd Infantry Fire Support Team
1992, 5th Battalion, 5th ADA, 2nd Infinity Division
Master Sergeant Howard Hovey, 17th Infantry, 7th Division was awarded posthumously the Distinguished Service Cross for his action on July 6, 1953. The camp was named in his honor on February 1959.
1953 17th Infantry, 7th Division
HHC, 2nd Brigade
HHC, 1st Infantry Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
CSC 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry
1st Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
Battalion, 38th Infantry, R&U, 2nd Infantry Division
HQ & HQ Company, 2nd Brigade
1967, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
1973, 1st Battalion, 9th Infantry (Manchu)
1977 B Company, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry
1978 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
1978 1st, 23rd Infantry
1980's 1st, 23rd, Infantry
1982, 102nd Military Intelligence Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1986 2nd, 503rd
1989 CSC 2nd, 503rd Infantry Fire Support Team
1992, 5th Battalion, 5th ADA, 2nd Infinity Division
Camp Hovey Sign 2001
Major Military and Sports Competition 1975-1976
Camp Hovey 1st Brigade Combat Team,
2nd Infantry Division 38th Infantry Regiment
HHC,1st, 38th Arms Room, 2nd Infantry Division
1st Battalion, 38th Infantry R&U,
2nd Infantry Division 1st battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Hovey Gate 3
CSC 1st Battalion, 23rd infantry
Rock of the Marne
Camp Hovey HHC
Club BBA
Camp Hovey Theater
Camp Hovey Anti Tank Platoon CSC,
1st 27th Infantry 1978 Yo Bo Pass
Camp Hovey, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry,
2nd Infantry Division HHC, 1st Infantry Battalion, 38th Infantry
2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division
CSC, 1st Infantry Battalion, 38th infantry
1st Infantry Battalion, 38th infantry
Major Military and Sports Competition 1975-1976
1st CSC Recon Mortars Redeye Radar Infantry
Area 1 Army Learning Center
CSC Company NBC Room
Camp Hovey 1960
2nd, 503rd 1986
Camp Hovey Theater
Camp Hovey Theater
23rd Infantry Regiment Bowl used in the challenge from the 1st, 23rd to the 1st, 503rd coming back from the DMZ
Camp Hovey, Tokori
Camp Hovey CSC 2nd, 503rd Infantry Fire Support Team, Detached from 8th, 8th FA ROK Spring 1989
HHC, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division
A History of Valor
CSC 1st Battalion, Supply Room,
2nd Infantry Division CSC Commo, 1st battalion, 23rd Infantry
CSC, 1st Infantry Battalion, 38th infantry
2nd U.S. Infantry Mission, 2nd Infantry Division
1st Battalion, 38th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division, 1978
Arms Room CSC 1st battalion, 23rd Infantry
Camp Hovey Gate 2
Camp Hovey 1978
Camp Hovey 1985
Camp Hovey
Camp Howard
This cap honored 2nd Lieutenant Philip Howard, 12th Field Artillery who was killed in action on July 19,1952. Camp Howard was first an Artillery camp, and later an Ordnance Facility near Camp Howard, B Company Dog Sentry Platoon, 27th
It was transferred to the ROK in1977.
1952, 12th Field Artillery 1962, 51st Signal Detachment, 38th Artillery Brigade (AD)
B Company Dog Sentry Platoon, 27th 1975, HHC, 83rd Ordnance Battalion
5, Signal Headquarters Ordnance (MSQ-28)
1977, Returned to the R.O.K
This cap honored 2nd Lieutenant Philip Howard, 12th Field Artillery who was killed in action on July 19,1952. Camp Howard was first an Artillery camp, and later an Ordnance Facility near Camp Howard, B Company Dog Sentry Platoon, 27th
It was transferred to the ROK in1977.
1952, 12th Field Artillery 1962, 51st Signal Detachment, 38th Artillery Brigade (AD)
B Company Dog Sentry Platoon, 27th 1975, HHC, 83rd Ordnance Battalion
5, Signal Headquarters Ordnance (MSQ-28)
1977, Returned to the R.O.K
Camp Howard gate 1960's
Camp Howard Headquarters, 71st Ordnance Ammo (MSQ-28)
Camp Howard back gate
Camp Howard Dispensary 8th U.S. Army
Camp Howard Snack Bar 1960's
Camp Howard Headquarters 1975
Company B, Dog Sentry Platoon, 27th
Welcome to Camp Howard 1975
Camp Howard 83rd Ordnance Battalion 1975
Camp Howard Gym and Pool 1975
Camp Howard Craft and Library 1975
Camp Howard Chapel 1975
Camp Howard
Camp Howard EM-NCO Club 1975
Camp Howard Motor Pool 1975
Camp Howard Rice Paddy
Inside camp gate 1975
Detachment 1, AN MSQ-28,
51st Signal Detachment, 38th Artillery Brigade (AD) 1962 Christmas at HHC, 83rd Ordnance 1975
Camp Howard Dispensary 8th U.S. Army
Camp Howard Fire Station and NCO Club 1975
Camp Howard 51st Signal Barracks
Camp Howard
Camp Howze (Camp Howze closed around 1974)
HHC, 3rd Brigade 1st, 506thInfantry 1st, 5th Infantry
5th, 17th Cavalry 1st, 4th FA 5ht, 5th ADA
UNCSG-JSA DMZ Battalion B, 2nd Engineer
E-2 Engineer FAST 1 3rd Platoon, 2nd Military Police
2nd Platoon, 102 Missile Defense 1st Platoon, 552nd Signal, 4P1, 4P3 Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
122nd Signal Battalion 1960, Headquarters & Headquarters Company 1st Cavalry
1st Marine Division 1975, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry CSC Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
HHC, 3rd Brigade 1st, 506thInfantry 1st, 5th Infantry
5th, 17th Cavalry 1st, 4th FA 5ht, 5th ADA
UNCSG-JSA DMZ Battalion B, 2nd Engineer
E-2 Engineer FAST 1 3rd Platoon, 2nd Military Police
2nd Platoon, 102 Missile Defense 1st Platoon, 552nd Signal, 4P1, 4P3 Headquarters, 3rd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
122nd Signal Battalion 1960, Headquarters & Headquarters Company 1st Cavalry
1st Marine Division 1975, 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry CSC Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze
Camp Howze
Camp Howze
Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Howze 1st Marine Division
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry,
Headquarters and Headquarters Company Supply Office Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
Camp Howze
Camp Howze
Camp Howze Motor Pool
Headquarters, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Howze, Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
Camp Howze 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
Camp Howze
Camp Howze 122nd Signal Battalion Mess Hall
Super Market
Camp Howze
1971, 2nd Infantry Division 1960, 1st Cavalry
1st ET Battalion, 32nd Infantry 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry
4th Squadron,7th Cavalry Headquarters Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1959, 1st Cavalry, 13th Signal Battalion, A Company
1st ET Battalion, 32nd Infantry 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry
4th Squadron,7th Cavalry Headquarters Engineer Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division
1959, 1st Cavalry, 13th Signal Battalion, A Company
Camp Howze 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" MP Guard Shack 1st Cavalry 1960
Camp Howze Headquarters, 3rd Brigade
The 1st Cavalry was reflagged to the 2nd Infantry Division 65 years later. The 2nd Infantry Division started at Camp Howze then in 1971 moved to Camp Casey
Camp Howze Headquarters Third Brigade
2nd Infantry Division 1971 1st ET Battalion, 32nd Infantry 2ns Battalion, 9th Infantry 4th Squadron 7th Cavalry Camp Howze 1967
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze, Engineer Brigade Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Howze Headquarters, 2nd Infantry Division
Camp Howze Chariot Races
Camp Howze 1959, 1st cavalry,
13th Signal Battalion, A Company Picture taken between Camp Howze and Camp Ross1967
Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1st Cavalry 1959-1960
"Photo by Myra McKillip" Camp Howze 1976
Photo's submitted by Richard Pegg (Camp Howze)
1960 1st Cavalry Division
1960 1st Cavalry Division
1st Cavalry Division Communication Center
Standing: Sok Ok Dol & William
Kneeling: Lee Im Hi Song Ok Dol & Hong Ok An Katusa friends
April 3 1960 Richard K. Pegg
Mama San who sold shoes & Clothing at our fence line
A Tank stationed outside of our compound facing North Korea
Myself (Richard K. Pegg) with a Korean family in the Village of Tong-Gu
Cpl. Yul & Cpl. An
Katusa soldier name & location unknown
The Village of Tong-Gu Kimchi Bus
Camp Howze, 1st Cavalry 1960
Two unknown solders, myself & Song Ok Dol
Our bunker coming off of alert
Korean soldiers filling sand bags
First Church on our compound, Protestant men of the Chapel
Village church, exact location unknown
Camp Howze, You are now entering tank killer territory
Camp Howze
Headquarters, 19th Support Command & USAG Taegu 1977 (No information at this time)
Camp USAG Humphreys K-6 Pyong Taek
1966, Headquarters, 4th Battalion (Nike Hercules), 44th Artillery
1967, 55th Engineer Maintenance Battalion 1967 45th Transportation Company
U.S Amy Garrison Headquarters 65th Engineer Company B Company, 728th Military Police Battalion 2nd Combat Aviation Brigade
304th Signal Battalion A Company 501st Signal Company
194th Combat Service Support Battalion 249th Military Police
94th Military Police Battalion 5607th Medical Company Ambulance
248th Military Detachment 557th Military Police Company
20th Military Police Detachment (CID) 176th Finance Battalion B Detachment
343d Rear Operations Center USAR 4th & 58th Airfield Operations Battalion
618th Dental Company 75th Medical Company (AS)
568th Command-Logistics Support Element 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion
719th Military Intelligence Battalion 524th Military Intelligence Battalion
532nd Military Intelligence Battalion 138th Battalion Movement Central Combat Team
22nd Korean Service Corps (KSC) Company 52nd Ordinance Company
538th Ordinance Company 25th Transportation Company
HHC USAG Humphreys 7th ROK Air Force
5th,17th Air Cavalry, 2nd Aviation Combat Brigade 1975, 30Th Ordnance Company GM (GS) K-6
1976, 30th Ordnance Company GS (GS) 1976 557th Military Police Company
1984, B Company, 802nd Engineer Battalion (Combat Heavy) 8th U.S. Army
Camp Humphreys 1967
Headquarters Battalion 1967
Mess Hall 1967
Tech Supply platoon 1967
Headquarters Platoon 1967
B Company Supply Room,
B Company Orderly Room 1967 Air Craft Maintenance Crew 1967
Flight Line Crew 1967
45th Transportation Company, Orderly Room, 55th Maintenance Battalion 1967
The Junk Yard 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Message Center 1967
Maintenance Platoon 1967
Signal Platoon 1967
Battalion Headquarters Section 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Wheeled Vehicle Section Crew 1967
45th Transportation Company, Orderly Room, 55th Maintenance Battalion 1967
Service Shop 1967
Orderly Room 1967
55th Maintenance Battalion (DS) 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Headquarters Command Orderly Room,
55th Maintenance Battalion 1967 Communication Platoon 1967
Service Evacuation Platoon 1967
Motor Pool Crew 1967
Orderly Room Personnel 1967
Supply Platoon 1967
Mail Room Crew 1967
DS #1 Section Crew 1967
65th Engineer Company, Engineer Section,
55th Maintenance Battalion 1967 Headquarters Battalion (DS) 1967
Camp Humphreys 1967
Camp Humphreys 1964-1997
Camp Humphreys 1964-1997
Camp Humphreys 1973
Camp Humphreys 1973
Camp Humphreys 1966-1997
Camp Humphreys 1976
Camp Humphreys 1977
Camp Humphreys 1964-1997
Camp Humphreys 1973
Camp Humphreys 1978-1979
Camp Humphreys 1978-1979
Camp Humphreys 557th Military Police Company, CPX Gate 1976-1977
Camp Humphreys Headquarters U.S. Army Garrison
Camp Humphreys 1973
Camp Humphreys 1973
Camp Humphreys 1978-1979
Camp Humphreys USO 1969
Camp Humphreys B Company, 728th Military Police Battalion
Camp Humphreys 1984-1985
Camp Humphreys 2020
Camp Humphreys
Camp Huston
One of the NIKI Batteries was located at Camp Huston. Its location and manning is unknown.
D Battery, 4th Battalion, 44th Artillery
One of the NIKI Batteries was located at Camp Huston. Its location and manning is unknown.
D Battery, 4th Battalion, 44th Artillery